
Registry for Ask Confirmation

Run a script for turning on the Ask confirmation at the end of every day to turn this feature on again so we don't run into trouble with our customers.

TeamViewer 15 host ID from registry

In more recent versions of TeamViewer, starting from version 15, the location of the TeamViewer ID in the Windows registry has changed. The ...

Registry Entries

What Registry entries or keys affect Lock remote computer and Timing out inactive session in the Options-Advanced settings?

Teamviewer Host Registry Edit

We have created a MSI installed for our host installs. We are trying to change the Advanced Options then Access Control Show confirmation ...


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

Apply new registry settings file

I am trying to apply a new registry settings file to a number a systems that currently have TeamViewer 12 Host version installed with a previous settings file.

Which registry key is control unattended access password

The registry key you are looking for is: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Wow6432Node-TeamViewer] PermanentPassword PermanentPasswordDate


我己經把PC端的TeamViewer移除,把有關TeamViewer的目錄及regedit內有TeamViewer也都清了,並修改PC網路卡MAC Address,得到了新的TeamViewer ID,. 但用手機TeamViewer ...

Where TeamViewer keeps the ID?

I'm using TeamViewer 9. I need to find where it holds ID and get it. I tried to find it in the regedit but i didn't find it. What can you advise me?

How to change back to old User Interface : rteamviewer

Open regedit, Change your location to Computer-HKEY_CURRENT_USER-Software-TeamViewer. Here you look for the key with the name UIVersion. double click it.


RunascriptforturningontheAskconfirmationattheendofeverydaytoturnthisfeatureonagainsowedon'trunintotroublewithourcustomers.,InmorerecentversionsofTeamViewer,startingfromversion15,thelocationoftheTeamViewerIDintheWindowsregistryhaschanged.The ...,WhatRegistryentriesorkeysaffectLockremotecomputerandTimingoutinactivesessionintheOptions-Advancedsettings?,WehavecreatedaMSIinstalledforourhostinstalls...
